The next big step: InFamily Foods
Over the past two years, there have been a lot of exciting developments at The Family Butchers – so many in fact, that many outsiders are in need of explanation. A lot happened in a very short time, and that’s a good thing! A dynamic market needs flexible actors that can keep up with the pace. That being so, the next innovation is already here. On 1 March, TFB Holding will receive a new name: InFamily Foods. For a number of good reasons.
What happened so far: In 2020, Kemper and Reinert became The Family Butchers (TFB). TFB acted as a holding brand and a pillar of animal protein (TFB Classic) within the TFB group. In 2021, a second pillar for the future market of plant-based proteins joined with The Plantly Butchers (TPB). Two very different segments united in one mission: To provide you with the best proteins.
With InFamily Foods, we are restructuring our group and positioning ourselves even more broadly than before: Effective immediately, the name The Family Butchers will belong entirely and unmistakably to the animal proteins segment. At InFamily Foods, the core value of our company remains our focus and it will never change: Family and everything that comes with it. Respect, trust, openness. To us, the “In” part of our new name represents many forward-looking ideas – like innovation or inspiration. And “Food” means our world is growing beyond mere sausage.
Our new design centered around the color blue will help differentiate the InFamily Foods holding from our TFB (red) and TPB (green) pillars. But there is an association behind our new logo as well: The two arching elements are reminiscent of the protein chain that is and remains the foundation of our success.
Dr. Wolfgang Kühnl and Hans-Ewald Reinert; CEOs of InFamily Foods Holding
We will consolidate all our activities under the InFamily Foods umbrella as well as expand our horizon past our company’s roots in butchery. An exciting prospect. After all, who knows: Perhaps one day we will go beyond the meat and sausage market to enrich the food industry’s entire portfolio with our innovative and creative products. All of this will strengthen our position in the market and shore up our edge over our competitors – major corporations and agile, creative start-ups alike. Positioned in this way, we will be able to take advantage of a greater number of opportunities in various segments of the food world.
For our employees, nothing will really change. They will remain part of a huge family, a traditional company with reliable values; they will stay employed in the branch where they work today. Only the umbrella they’re standing under is new. The TFB group began with great ambitions of actively advancing the industry and reshaping it from within to the benefit of future generations. InFamily Foods will hold that course.